Adult Sunday School Classes

Adult Sunday School Classes

Worldview | Evangelism | Counseling (WEC)

Adults meet from 11:25 a.m. to 12:05 p.m., following the morning worship service and is led by Pastor Ben Bessett.
WEC consists of one topic that will be broken down into these three categories. For example, one class may be on the topic of Metaphysics, which is the study of reality and what actually exists. Metaphysics from the worldview standpoint deals with the biblical God who exists and the Bible describing the reality of this life. Metaphysics from an evangelism standpoint consists of the biblical God who we profess, the one who created all things. Metaphysics from the counseling standpoint takes into consideration the reality of who God is and who we are as human beings. All of this works together for the glory of God by understanding who God is and what He requires of us. Alongside of this we will also be looking into non-biblical worldviews and comparing and contrasting them with the biblical worldview. This will help us see and understand things from all angles, not just our own. It will sharpen our critical thinking, reasoning skills, and make us better defenders and more articulate of the faith.
We warmly invite all adults, and those too little for Sunday school, both new and seasoned believers, who are interested for an interactive study of God’s Word and our faith in God.