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—If you are looking for an older archive, look in our sermon archive which ranges from 1967 to 2005.
The Diagnosis of a Worthless Worship
In Malachi 1:1-14, the Lord proclaims His great love for His people, but He condemns their half-hearted attempts to worship Him. Mr. Israel Quaresma preaches indifference to God’s covenantal love, the despising of God’s covenantal presence, and the covenantal prescription for healing.
“For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations,…
Heirs Unto Glory
In Romans 8:17, the apostle Paul is teaching the glorious privilege for Christians that the adopted children of God are heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the temporary suffering of God’s heirs, the coming glory of God’s heirs, and the eternal inheritance of God’s heirs.
“And if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow…
Joy in the Morning
Ezekiel: The Promise of a New Eden
With Ezekiel 36:33-38, we continue our survey of Bible books, focusing on a theme found throughout the book: the garden of Eden. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the garden of Eden in Genesis, the garden of Eden in Ezekiel, and the garden of Eden in Revelation.
“And they will say, ‘This land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden, and the waste and…
The Spirit of Adoption
In Romans 8:15-16, the apostle Paul explains that believers have received the Spirit of Adoption, who is the Spirit that does not lead us to fear but drives us to God as His beloved children. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the spirit of fear, the Spirit of Adoption, and the witness of the Spirit.
“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into…
Not Going Beyond What God Has Said
In 1 Corinthians 4:6, the apostle Paul commands his followers to remain faithful to God’s Word, instead of creating their own false religion. Pastor Ben Bessett preaches following Paul’s example, following the guidepost of God’s Word, and following the commandments of God rather than the traditions of men.
“I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your…
The Transformed Life: Killing the Deeds of the Body
In Romans 8:12-14, we learn that believers have become debtors to the Spirit who by the Spirit put to death the deeds of the body. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the common way of mankind: living according to the flesh, and the transformed life of true Christians: led by the Spirit to kill…
What to Do When Drowning in Sin
In Psalm 130:1–8, we read a penitential Psalm with the author turning to God for forgiveness and redemption. Mr. Paul Tamras preaches the message of the Psalmist: cry out to God, wait on the Lord, hope in the God of steadfast love, and claim the plentiful redemption available in Jesus Christ.
“If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with you…
The Living One!
With Revelation 1:17–18, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the one who died is alive forevermore! Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches I am the First and the Last, I am the Living One who is alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and Hades!
“Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive…
Community Good Friday 2024 1st Word
The First Word: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34
Dr. Andrew Vander Maas, Christ Church PCA