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—If you are looking for an older archive, look in our sermon archive which ranges from 1967 to 2005.
The Sour Sin of Self-Pity
King Ahab’s sin of self-pity lead to great destruction. From 1 Kings 21:1-29, Mr. Ben Bessett preaches on the subtlety of self-pity, the destruction of self-pity, and the hope for overcoming self-pity.
“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.” (Hebrews…
The Gospel of John (96): The Things that Jesus Did
In John 21:24-25, the apostle John opens our vision to the immeasurable amount of work that Jesus did. Jesus’ work is so vast that it cannot be described entirely even if you had an endless fountain of ink and a world full of paper, as it extends to all His work in creation, salvation,…
Ascension Day Sermons: Looking Up from Where Christ Will Come
Using Acts 1: 6-11 and 2 Peter 3:1-13, Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven describes the day the Lord ascended, the day we walk on the Earth, and the day in which Christ will descend.
“Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in…
The Awesome and Terrifying Grace of the Lord
2 Kings 5:1-27 reveals that the Lord’s grace is both awesome and terrifying. Awesome in that the Lord saves such undeserving sinners in His merciful kindness; terrifying in that the Lord is jealousy severe for the glory of His Name when His grace is scorned. Mr. Brandt Barnard preaches on this in two points: The Lord’s Merciful Kindness and The Lord’s Jealous…
The Gospel of John (95): Following the Same Jesus on Different Paths
In John 21:15-23, the Lord calls us to focus on following him instead of focusing on His path for our fellow believers. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven explains fleshly curiosity, spiritual guidance, and resting in God’s will.
Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is…
The Heidelberg Catechism (3): Exposed by the Truth [Lord’s Day 2]
Romans 7:7-13 explains who we are in the light of truth which shines brightly through God’s Law. Rev. Paul Van Engelenhoven explains the righteous requirement of God’s Law, shining light into the well of our heart, and facing the facts of our condition. “What then shall we say? That the law is sin?…
The Gospel of John (94): Loving Jesus, Serving His People
After Peter’s three-fold denial, the Lord reinstates him through a three-fold confession of love towards Jesus. From John 21:15-19, Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on the requirement of serving God: Love; Loving Jesus: Feeding His Lambs; Loving Jesus: Tending His Sheep; and Loving Jesus:…
Keeping the Heart
Jesus says that the pure in heart shall see God. Proverbs 4:10-27 and Matthew 26:36-41 teach the way for believers to keep their hearts. From Proverbs 4:23, Mr. Brandt Barnard explains the necessity, manner, and incentive for keeping our hearts.
“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”
The Gospel of John (93): Fishing with Jesus
In John 21:1-14, the disciples learned on the sea of Tiberias how to trust Jesus in the ministry. Listen in as Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on the initiative, the trial, the word, and the blessing of being fishers of men.
He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it…
The Heidelberg Catechism (2): The Road to Salvation [Lord’s Day 1]
Acts 16:25-34 shows the only one way to heaven is by meeting God in Jesus Christ through conviction, faith and thankfulness. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven highlights milestones along the way: conviction of sin, faith in our deliverance, and thankfulness to God. “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And…