If you are not able to find a sermon you are looking for, please contact the office at (616) 459-4451 and someone will be able to assist you.
—If you are looking for an older archive, look in our sermon archive which ranges from 1967 to 2005.
God’s The Gospel of John (51): Judgment to an Unbelieving Nation
John 12:36-43 fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that many people would harden their hearts and reject the Savior. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven describes the biblical basis of the doctrine, evidence for the doctrine in the Old and New Testament, evidence in church history, and the urgent call of the…
Save, O Lord, for the Godly One Is Gone
In Psalm 12:1- 8, David cries out to the Lord for help in distressing times. Mr. Eduardo Martorano explains David’s request, the response from the Lord, and the reassurance. “You, O Lord, will keep them; you will guard us from this generation forever.”
The Gospel of John (50): The Painful Glory and Love of the King
John 12:27–43 displays the humanity of Jesus alongside his divinity. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven describes the troubled King as he realizes his impending doom, the brave King as he shows his faith, and the urgent King as he makes a plea to the people. “While you have the light, believe in the…
De Zevende Man (8.2)
Pastoor Paul van Engelenhoven preekt vandaag over Johannes 4:1-30. De titel van de preek is “De Zevende Man.”
Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches today about John 4:1-30. The title of the sermon is “The Seventh Man.”
The Book of Ephesians (33): The Life Without God
Ephesians 4:17-24 paints a grim picture of life without God. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven defines a mind without God, a heart without God, and a life without God.
“For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, and their foolish hearts were darkened.”
The Gospel of John (49): Following the Real Jesus Christ
In John 12:19-26, people were seeking Jesus Christ, and he explains what would be required from true followers. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven describes the true Christ, the true Christian, and the true Christian life. “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be…
Preserve Me, O God, for in You I Take Refuge
In Psalm 16:1-11, David displays a contrast between the child of God and the person who follows false gods. Mr. Eduardo Martorano describes the godly loyalty, the godly blessing, and the godly prophecy. The psalmist declares, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
Life Changing Truths of The Resurrection
1 Corinthians 15:12-14 emphasizes the importance of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven explains that Christ’s resurrection declares us just, frees us from sin and the law, gives us life, frees us from condemnation and judgment, and brings us to full salvation. The blessings of the cross reach us through the resurrection!
Community Good Friday 2020 7th Word
Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. Luke 23:46
Rev. Mark Chanski, Harbor Reformed Baptist Church, Holland
Community Good Friday 2020 6th Word
It is finished. John 19:30
Rev. C.J. den Dulk, Trinity CRC, Sparta