Sermons on John (Page 4)
The Gospel of John (92): Thomas, the Man of Faith
John 20:24-31 shows faith transforming a doubting man into a man of strong faith through seeing the works of Jesus. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven presents Thomas the fatalistic one, the nervous one, the doubting one, and the man of faith.
Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my…
The Gospel of John (91): The Peace that Follows the Resurrection
The message of the post-resurrected Jesus is the message of peace with God, a peace first given to the disciples as ambassadors which they then carried into the world. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven uses John 20:19-23 to describe the Prince of Peace, the Ambassadors of Peace, and the World’s…
Community Good Friday 2021 6th Word
It is finished. John 19:30
Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven, Seventh Reformed Church, Grand Rapids
Community Good Friday 2021 5th Word
I Thirst. John 19:28
Rev. Dr. Sacha Walicord, Walker URC, Grand Rapids
Community Good Friday 2021 3rd Word
Woman behold your son! … Behold your mother. John 19:26-27
Dr. Andrew Vander Maas, Christ Church PCA, Grand Rapids
The Gospel of John (90): The Robber Released for the King
In John 18:28-19:16, the raging jealousy of men against Jesus is revealed in the release of guilty Barabbas and the condemnation of innocent Jesus. But even in the midst of all this evil, God paves the way of salvation. From this text, Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven presents the innocence of Christ,…
The Gospel of John (89): The King Worthy of Our Coats
Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey and His conversation with Nathanael reveal that Jesus was none other than the Son of God, the King of Israel who came to be the Son of Man. From Matthew 21:1-9 and John 1:43-51, Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven proclaims that Jesus is the Son of God, the King of…
The Gospel of John (88): The Guide and the Savior
In John 1:40-42, a disciple brings his brother to Jesus who is the Messiah. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven proclaims that once we have come to know Jesus, we are to find others, bring them to Jesus, and trust that Jesus will speak to them. “He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, ‘We have…
The Gospel of John (87): Followers of Jesus
In John 1:35-39, two disciples beheld the Lamb of God, followed Him, and stayed with Him. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven proclaims from this text that we are to behold the Lamb of God, follow Him, come to His home, and see where He abides. “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your…
The Gospel of John (86): The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
From John 1:32-34, Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven proclaims that Jesus came to save us from our sins and empower us to walk in that salvation and that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the means by which we can know and serve God. In this sermon, he answers three questions: What is the Baptism of the…