Sermons on Romans (Page 2)

Sermons on Romans (Page 2)

Growing in Wisdom and Favor with God

In Romans 12:2, the apostle Paul tells us not to be conformed to the world, but to be transformed in the renewal of our minds. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the dos and don’ts of Christian life, how we can grow as Christians by following Jesus’ example, and the joy of growing in favor with God and being well-pleasing to Him. “Do not be conformed to this world,…

The Mystery of Israel’s Salvation

In Romans 11:25-36, the apostle Paul concludes his discussion of Israel’s salvation with the exaltation of God’s Wisdom in salvation! Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches Israel’s future salvation is based on God’s love for Israel’s forefathers, Israel’s future salvation is prophesied in Isaiah, and Israel’s salvation comes through the mercy shown to the Gentiles. “Oh,…

Lessons of the Olive Tree

In Romans 11:16-24, the apostle Paul continues the theme of salvation for the Gentiles and the restoration of the Jews, and he applies this truth to the church. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches Who or What is the olive tree? How are the branches broken off and how are they grafted in? and the necessity of a humble and steadfast faith! “And even they, if they do…

Israel’s Rejection and Salvation

In Romans 10:18-11:16, the apostle Paul explains how the Gentiles will be used to bring the Jews to salvation in Christ. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches Israel’s rejection of Jesus is a judgment from God, Israel’s obedient remnant is a gracious gift from God, the salvation of the nations is to make Israel jealous, and the future return of Israel will bring riches…

The Sinfulness of Sin and the Cross of Christ

In Isaiah 53:10 and Romans 3:23–26, we learn sin is the cause of suffering in the world, and it is the reason for the cross! The cross of Christ is the Lord’s answer to the problem of sin in the world and in our hearts. Mr. Matthew Reyes preaches the sinfulness of sin: disobedience, defiling, and deceitful; and the work of the cross: judging our sin, atoning for our sin,…

Faith Comes from Hearing the Word of Christ

In Romans 10:14-17, the apostle Paul explains how someone comes to call on the name of the Lord; through faith, which comes through hearing, which comes through the preaching of the Gospel. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches messengers are sent out, the Word of Christ is preached, the Word of Christ produces faith, and faith produces calling on God. “So faith comes…

Christ, the End of the Law!

In Romans 10:1-3, the apostle Paul teaches the Law cannot bring us to the righteousness of God. The only way to obtain the righteousness of God is by faith in Jesus Christ. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches common reasons for missing heaven, seeking to establish our own righteousness, the one true way to heaven, and trusting Him who the law reveals. “Being ignorant…

A Remnant Saved by Faith

In Romans 9:27-33, the apostle Paul quotes Isaiah to explain why the Jews could not reach salvation by pursuing the law, since it must be pursued by faith. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches why only a remnant of Jews believe in Jesus, why it is a great grace that some Jews are saved, and why so many Jews are not saved. “Israel who pursued a law that would lead to…