Sermons on Song of Solomon
The Song of Songs
With Song of Songs 7:10, we continue our survey of Bible books and the Wisdom Literature. The Song of Solomon is sometimes seen as a celebration of love, which it is. Others have interpreted it as a depiction of the love between God and His people, which it is. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the textual horizon: romance in marriage, the covenantal horizon: love of…
Christ’s Love for His Bride
Song of Solomon 4:7-11 portrays the love of Christ for his church and his love for sinners. Mr. Brandt Barnard describes the love of God and the Bridegroom’s adoration, longing, and enjoyment. “For the love of Christ controls us… and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.”