First-Century Lessons for the Twenty-First Century Church (37) How the Gospel Came to the Gentile World November 29, 2009 Dr. Tim Trumper Gospel First-Century Lessons for the Twenty-First Century Church Hebrews
Thanksgiving (2) A Mere Tradition or a Life-Changing Opportunity? November 29, 2009 Dr. Tim Trumper Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Sermons Hebrews
Thanksgiving (1) A Mere Tradition or a Life-Changing Opportunity? November 26, 2009 Dr. Tim Trumper Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Sermons Luke
First-Century Lessons for the Twenty-First Century Church (36) The “Sine Qua Non” of Gospel Success November 15, 2009 Dr. Tim Trumper First-Century Lessons for the Twenty-First Century Church Acts
The Feasts of the LORD (8) Christ: The Eternal Feast November 15, 2009 Dr. Tim Trumper The Feasts of the LORD Colossians
First-Century Lessons for the Twenty-First Century Church (35) The Early Ministry of Saul November 8, 2009 Dr. Tim Trumper First-Century Lessons for the Twenty-First Century Church Acts
The Feasts of the LORD (7) The Feast of Booths: The Happiest Feast November 8, 2009 Dr. Tim Trumper The Feasts of the LORD Leviticus
First-Century Lessons for the Twenty-First Century Church (34) The Example of Ananias October 25, 2009 Dr. Tim Trumper First-Century Lessons for the Twenty-First Century Church Acts
The Feasts of the LORD (6) The Day of Atonement: The Solemn Feast October 25, 2009 Dr. Tim Trumper Feast The Feasts of the LORD Leviticus
First-Century Lessons for the Twenty-First Century Church (33) The Damascus Road Experience October 18, 2009 Dr. Tim Trumper First-Century Lessons for the Twenty-First Century Church Acts