Sermons by Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven (Page 11)
A Heart Set Free from Slavery
In Romans 6:15–19 the apostle Paul declares that believers now free from the law have changed hearts that desire to live obedient lives. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches truly no longer under the law, truly a heart change, and truly living in our newfound freedom.
“But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to…
Deuteronomy: Love the Lord Your God with All Your Heart
With Deuteronomy 6:4–5 as our text, we continue our Bible book series. The book of Deuteronomy closes the Torah, the first five books of the Bible often referred to as “The Law.” The messages center on the importance of clinging to God by loving Him and being faithful to Him. Pastor Paul van…
Not under Law, but under Grace!
In Romans 6:14 it becomes evident that we are under the dominion of sin when we are under the law, but we have found freedom from this dominion when we are brought under grace. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches what is the dominion of sin, what does it mean to be under the law, and what does it mean to be under grace.
“For sin will have no dominion over you, since…
Practical Communion with Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
In Romans 6:11–13, we learn how our understanding of the Gospel should change our day-to-day life as we prepare our hearts to commune with God through the Lord’s Supper. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches consider yourself dead to sin and alive to God; do not let sin reign in you, but let the…
Numbers: With God through the Wilderness
With Numbers 14:8–9, we learn of Israel’s fundamental rebellion against God, but we also see the desire of God to live amid His people as their blessing. Ultimately, the book of Numbers shows that Israel enters the wilderness as a rebellious people but leaves it as a renewed people under God’s Care. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the message of Numbers, Israel’s…
Grasped by Grace
In Romans 6:5–11, the apostle Paul shows we have been freed from the dominion of sin and death which is why we are no longer obligated to walk in our old self, but now we have the joy of living in our new life which is the life of Jesus Christ. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches no longer the old self, no longer enslaved to sin, and no longer under the dominion of…
Raised to a Whole New Life!
In Romans 6:1–4, the apostle Paul explains that the believer has been raised to a new life by the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven proclaims that believers strive not to walk in sin because we have been baptized with Christ Jesus having died to sin, and we have been raised with Christ Jesus to walk in newness of life!
“We were buried therefore…
Leviticus: To Become and Live Holy
With Leviticus 20:26, we continue our evening series covering one biblical book per week. The book of Leviticus forms the center of the Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy) as it focuses on the need to become holy and the importance of living holy. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the dramatic center of Leviticus, the importance of becoming holy, and the ways of living holy…
The Superabundant Reign of Grace
In Romans 5:20–21, the apostle Paul compares the two reigns of Adam and Jesus Christ and how the Law plays an important part in pointing people to the Gospel. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven compares two opposite dominions and explains the purpose of the law, the reign of sin that leads to destruction and the reign of grace that leads to eternal life.
“So that, as sin…
Exodus: The Introduction of the Might of Yahweh, the God of Israel
With Exodus 34:6–7, we continue our evening series covering one biblical book per week. The book of Exodus describes Israel’s escape from Egypt through the mighty hand of God. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the holiness of Yahweh; the supreme power of Yahweh; the establishment of the Sinai…