Sermons by Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven (Page 16)
Gabriel’s Amazing News
The angel Gabriel announced to Mary Messiah will be born from her. In his announcement, Gabriel identifies Jesus by three names: Jesus, Son of the Most High, and the Holy Son of God. In this Christmas service, Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on Luke 1:26–38 about the names central to the good news of the Gospel!
“And behold, you will conceive in your womb and…
The Temple of the Holy Spirit
The seventh commandment forbids adultery. Jesus says looking at someone with lust is committing adultery in the heart. Christians are called to be pure and holy temples of the Holy Spirit and to flee from sexual immorality. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on 1 Corinthians 6:12–20 on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the high call of holiness, and the way…
Mr. External Religion (Part 4) / Law or No Law
All mankind is under the Law of God, both Jew and Gentile. Both the self-righteous Jew and the pagan Gentile are guilty of breaking the law of God. Therefore, everyone needs the body and blood of Jesus Christ. In this communion message, Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on Romans 2:12–16 on the…
He Came to Seek and to Save
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. This was Jesus’ desire from eternity past, during his life on earth, and will be when he returns to redeem his people. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on a view before creation, a view from Christ’s life and purpose, and a view of Christ coming again.
“And Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house,…
Mr. External Religion (Part 3)
God will impartially judge all people by their works. Some will be given eternal life, while others will receive wrath and fury. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on God’s impartiality in judgment, and the reception of eternal life and eternal destruction.
“There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also…
Mr. External Religion (Part 2)
Romans 2:3–5 explains that God’s kindness is meant to lead the self-righteous to repentance. But if the self-righteous presume upon God’s kindness, they store up God’s wrath against them for their unrepentance. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the presumption, the reality, and the result.
“But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up…
Christ Standing Guard
The catechism explains that the sixth commandment is not only speaking about physical murder, but also about murderous thoughts in the heart. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven explains the sin of murder, how the door of Cain’s heart opened, and how the Christian heart’s door is protected from murder.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and…
Mr. External Religion (Part 1)
In Romans 2 the Apostle Paul tells the religious Jews that the righteous are not those who are externally religious but those who practice such things. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven explains those who judge others condemn themselves, the cover of religion does not save on Judgment Day, and we must both have faith and practice it!
“Therefore, you have no excuse, O man,…
The Key to Gospel Thanksgiving
The Apostle Paul lived in almost continuous hardship, yet he always rejoiced. He describes one of the keys to gospel thanksgiving in 2 Cor 1:3–7. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven describes thanksgiving that lasts forever, the uncertainty of earthly thanksgiving, the certainty of eternal thanksgiving, and the opposite life of living for others.
“Blessed be the God…
The Total Depravity of Man
Romans 1:28–32 reveals the last step of mankind’s descent in depravity. Because mankind chose to remove God from their life, God removes his goodness from their life. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on the barren land (debased mind), the weeds of wickedness (filled with unrighteousness), the love of poison (approval of evil), and the need for a…