Sermons by Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven (Page 19)
Paul, Called to Be an Apostle
Paul begins his letter to the saints in Rome stating that he is a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle. What does it mean to be called by God and does God call people today? Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches from Romans 1:1 and Galatians 1:10–17 on the three kinds of apostles and the unique sending of the apostle Paul and believers.
Paul, the Slave of Christ
The apostle Paul was once a zealous persecutor of the church. How did this once persecutor of Christ become a slave of Christ? As we begin our series through the book of Romans, listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on Romans 1:1 and Acts 9:1–18 on the conversion of the author of the letter to the saints in Rome, the apostle Paul.
“This means that it is not…
Following Jesus, Not Idols
The first commandment demands the worship of the one true God alone. Believers therefore must take up their cross and follow the one true God alone, the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches from Matthew 16:24 on what is idolatry, what is the power of idolatry, how can one be freed from idols, and how can one live without idolatry? Then Jesus…
The Lord Is There
The prophecy of Ezekiel begins and ends with Ezekiel beholding the presence of God. Experiencing the presence of God in the new heavens and the new earth in his city is the blessed hope of the true believer. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on Ezekiel 1:1; 48:30-35 on living in the city of the infinite presence, beauty, and love of God.
“And the name of…
The New Creation in Christ
Those who are born-again by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ are a new creature in Christ. This new life involves a walk of faith, peace with God, and awaiting the judgment seat of Christ. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches from 2 Corinthians 5:17 on the longing for new clothes and to be with Jesus Christ and the reality of living for Christ and…
Living Water of Life
In Ezekiel 47:1–12, the prophet Ezekiel sees a river flowing from the Holy Temple that gives life. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches from this text on the River of God’s delight, the superabundant life in God, the life-giving Water of God, and life in the presence of God.
On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If…
The Great Deception of Our Day
1 Corinthians 6:9–11 declares salvation from the guilt of sin means salvation from the power of sin. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on the necessity of repentance from sin, freedom from sin’s guilt, and freedom from sin’s power by the Holy Spirit. “or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. . . Ad such were some…
The Priestly Prince and His People
In Ezekiel 44:1–14, Ezekiel sees a room for the prince in the temple of the LORD. Who can this prince-priest be? And who are the people of this prince-priest who worship in the temple of the LORD? Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on the Priest and Prince of the New Temple and the worshipers of the New Temple. “The Lord says to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right…
The Return of the Glory of Yahweh
In Ezekiel 8–11, the prophet saw the glory of the Lord depart from the temple to the East. Now, in chapter 43:1–12, Ezekiel sees the glory of the Lord return from the East and fill a glorious new temple. This prophetic vision is the fruit of the great work of Jesus Christ: the restoration of holiness in man and the return of the glory of God. Listen as Pastor Paul van…
The Key that Opens the Kingdom of Heaven
The Lord Jesus came to shine light upon those in the shadow of death and darkness with the message: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” What is the key that opens the kingdom of heaven to those sitting in darkness and the shadow of death? Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on Matthew 4:17 on the kingdom of heaven opened, entered, and missed. “From…