Sermons by Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven (Page 21)
The Book of Ezekiel (37): A New Creation [Part I]
Ezekiel 36:24-32 shows there is no hope in the power and strength of men because only God can cleanse and make a new kind of people, led by the Spirit of God Himself. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven introduces creation and a new creation: the sprinkling of clean water, the new heart and spirit, and…
The Heidelberg Catechism (26): The Good Works from Living Faith [Lord’s Day 24]
James 2:14-26 says that true saving faith is a living faith, and the believer does good works in the power of the Holy Spirit and cannot stop doing good works. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven contrasts the dead faith of pretenders that is fruitless versus the living faith of believers that bears…
The Book of Ezekiel (36): Is There Salvation without Transformation?
In Ezekiel 36:16-23 God declares the absence of Israel’s devotion to Him. In response, He will recreate a people who will serve Him and glorify His Holy name. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven describes Israel’s devotion in the promised land and in exile, the crux of the problem (the heart of man), the…
The Book of Ezekiel (35): The Restoration of Israel
In Ezekiel 36:1-15, God foretells that Israel, though fallen in judgment, will be restored. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on death and resurrection on the mountains of Israel, the geographical restoration of Israel, and the restoration of peace and honor.
“Therefore thus says…
The Heidelberg Catechism (25): Justification by Faith Alone [Lord’s Day 23]
Romans 3:9-31 explains the only way to be righteous before God is through faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven declares the greatest need of all is righteousness; the judgment of the law is that none is righteous; the purpose of the Law: that every mouth is stopped; and…
The Book of Ezekiel (34): The Tale of Two Sheep
Ezekiel 34:17-31 reveals God’s love for his sheep who were abused by the other sheep and goats. Jesus will shepherd his sheep and protect them and bless them, while the abusive sheep will be judged as Matthew 25:31-46 reveals. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches on a tale of two sheep…
The Book of Ezekiel (33): The Rescue Mission of Jesus
Ezekiel 34:1-16 reveals God’s displeasure with the shepherds of his Old Testament people because they took advantage of the sheep rather than strengthening, healing, and finding them. God promises a future shepherd who will be entirely different, a son of David who would rise and shepherd God’s…
The Resurrection Unto Life
Jesus Christ is the believer’s life. Because Christ rose from the grave on Easter morning, true believers receive incredible blessing. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven proclaims Jesus who was raised for our justification, Jesus who was raised for our sanctification, and Jesus who was raised for our glorification.
“For if, because of one man’s trespass, death…
Community Good Friday 2022 5th Word
I Thirst. John 19:28
Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven, Minister, Seventh Reformed Church, Grand Rapids
The Agonizing Love of God
On the night that Jesus was betrayed, he was agonizing alone in prayer to his Father as he faced the terrible reality of the cup he was about to drink. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches from Luke 22:39-46 in this communion sermon on why an angel appeared with Jesus, what was in the cup, why the Father did not remove the cup, and what is in the cup that is…