Sermons on Judgement (Page 3)
The Book of Ezekiel (10): The Last Sunrise
In Ezekiel 7:1-27, God reveals to Ezekiel that the terrible day of judgment is coming. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven proclaims the brevity of this world, the light of the coming judgment, and living our lives focused on the new heavens and earth.
“According to their way I will do to them, and according to their judgments I will judge them, and they shall know that I am…
The Book of Ezekiel (8): The Arrows of God
In Ezekiel 5:1-17, Ezekiel receives a sign of the destructive result of God’s judgment. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven introduces the order of Ezekiel’s prophecies and describes his haircut, God’s satisfaction, and a picture of what was to come.
“And they shall know that I am the Lord—that I have spoken in my jealousy—when I spend my fury upon them.”
The Heidelberg Catechism (6): Facing God in Sin [Lord’s Day 4]
In Nahum 1:2-11, God’s righteous response to sin and sinners is revealed. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven proclaims the avenging wrath of God, the frightening wrath of God, and the inescapable wrath of God. Will we escape the wrath of God by seeking refuge in Jesus Christ? “The Lord is good, a…
What Happened in 2020?
Ecclesiastes 8:1-9 and 12:13-14 provides God’s perspective to explain the events of the past year. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven teaches the reality of hardship, the response to our circumstances, and the wisdom to understand the past and be ready for the future. “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of…
The Final Judgment
Matthew 25:31–46. Has your life been built upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ or upon the sinking sand? Examine yourself today for the King is returning and will declare to his bride (those saved by the blood of Jesus Christ) to come and inherit the kingdom prepared for them for eternity; and, the King will declare to the lost (those who rejected Jesus Christ) an…
The Book of Ephesians (39): Keeping Clean the House of God
Ephesians 5:1-21 provides guidelines for the believer’s Christian walk. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven describes empty words in the early church, the judgment of God’s Word, the shame of the world and of the church, and the talk of the world and of the church.
“Look carefully then how you walk……
The Gospel of John (52): The Cry of God
John 12:37-50 narrates the last words of Jesus’ public ministry. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven presents Jesus’ message for any fence-sitters: the cry to wake up, to come to the light, to beware, and to eternal life. “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
God’s The Gospel of John (51): Judgment to an Unbelieving Nation
John 12:36-43 fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that many people would harden their hearts and reject the Savior. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven describes the biblical basis of the doctrine, evidence for the doctrine in the Old and New Testament, evidence in church history, and the urgent call of the…
Prepare to Meet Your God
In Amos 4:1-13, the prophet gives a stern warning to the people of Israel calling the people to repentance. In this preparatory Sunday message, Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven focuses on the call of Amos to flee from moral abuse and false worship to and to pursue a closer walk with God.
“Prepare to meet your God, O Israel!”
The Gospel of John (24): Looking Beyond Your Eyesight
In John 7:14-24, Jesus teaches us to make love for God and love for our neighbor the guides for our lives. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven shows us the danger of judging by appearances, the necessity of judging with a right heart, and how to evaluate the Word of God with right judgment. “The aim of our…