Sermons on Providence

Sermons on Providence

A Picture of God’s Generosity

In Genesis 2, God’s gracious gift of creation is revealed, along with His loving providence towards Adam and Eve. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the gift of life, the gift of delicious food, the gift of beauty and pleasure, and the gift of family. “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the…

The Heidelberg Catechism (12): The Providence of Inseparable Love [Lord’s Day 10]

In Romans 8:31-39, the providence of God guarantees the accompaniment and protection of our loving Father and a sure arrival at the world of love, which is heaven itself. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven presents the grand picture of God’s providence, the hard reality of providential suffering, the hope…