Sermons from September 2020

Sermons from September 2020

Trust in the Name of the LORD Our God

In Psalm 20, we hear a strong plea to God from the people to protect their king as he goes forth in battle; in which the king gains great confidence of a sure victory in the battle! Mr. Eduardo Martorano points us to scripture reminding us to pray selflessly for our leaders as the people in Psalm 20 prayed for their king. Let us put our trust in the name of the LORD our…

The Final Judgment

Matthew 25:31–46. Has your life been built upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ or upon the sinking sand? Examine yourself today for the King is returning and will declare to his bride (those saved by the blood of Jesus Christ) to come and inherit the kingdom prepared for them for eternity; and, the King will declare to the lost (those who rejected Jesus Christ) an…