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Grasped by Grace

In Romans 6:5–11, the apostle Paul shows we have been freed from the dominion of sin and death which is why we are no longer obligated to walk in our old self, but now we have the joy of living in our new life which is the life of Jesus Christ. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches no longer the old self, no longer enslaved to sin, and no longer under the dominion of…

The Blessings of God to His Church

With 1 Corinthians 1:1–9, Pastor Ben begins a sermon series on Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church. Pastor Ben Bessett preaches that the church of Christ has been given many blessings, and he answers the questions: Why does the church exist? Where does the church come from? What is the church’s purpose? “In every way you were enriched in him in all speech and all…

Raised to a Whole New Life!

In Romans 6:1–4, the apostle Paul explains that the believer has been raised to a new life by the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven proclaims that believers strive not to walk in sin because we have been baptized with Christ Jesus having died to sin, and we have been raised with Christ Jesus to walk in newness of life! “We were buried therefore…

Leviticus: To Become and Live Holy

With Leviticus 20:26, we continue our evening series covering one biblical book per week. The book of Leviticus forms the center of the Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy) as it focuses on the need to become holy and the importance of living holy. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the dramatic center of Leviticus, the importance of becoming holy, and the ways of living holy…

The Superabundant Reign of Grace

In Romans 5:20–21, the apostle Paul compares the two reigns of Adam and Jesus Christ and how the Law plays an important part in pointing people to the Gospel. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven compares two opposite dominions and explains the purpose of the law, the reign of sin that leads to destruction and the reign of grace that leads to eternal life. “So that, as sin…

Small Group Bible Study

We meet every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the pastor’s home to study a book of the Bible. Currently, we are working through the book of Hebrews. Men and women of all ages are welcome to join.

Talking About Grief (T.A.G.)

Talking About Grief (T.A.G.) This fall, Pastor Ben will be conducting a monthly discussion group called “Talking About Grief” (TAG). The focus will be more on social and personal interaction. Time will be given for individuals to open up and speak about their own past experiences, and how they have personally dealt with loss and suffering. All of this will be…

Does Paul Teach That All Men Will Be Saved?

In Romans 5:18-19, the apostle Paul writes that Christ’s work on the cross leads to justification and life for “all men.” Does the apostle teach that all men will be justified? Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven answers the question “Who will be justified and receive life?“ “Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to…

Genesis: The Beginning of Israel

With Genesis 12:1–3, we are starting a new series during the afternoon worship services in which we will look at one biblical book per week. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the origin of Israel, God’s covenant people (the origin of the world, the origin and purpose of mankind; the origin of sin; the way of salvation); the identity of God; and the covenants between…