Worship in Spirit and Truth 
The Liturgy, Standards, and Practice of Seventh Reformed Church
Worship in Spirit and Truth
The Liturgy, Standards, and Practice of Seventh Reformed Church
Authored by Tim J.R. Trumper
“Worship in Spirit and Truth” is the liturgy, standards, and practice of Seventh Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and is published to mark the 125th anniversary of the church’s founding.
Originally a congregation of the Reformed Church in America, Seventh Reformed Church has been independent since 1995. Sometimes the leadership is asked, “What sort of Reformed church is Seventh Reformed?” The answer is all here in her liturgy, standards, and practical documents. These are both ecumenical and Reformed and ancient and modern, and connect Seventh Reformed Church to the history and catholicity of the Christian church as well as to the Reformed tradition in particular.
While specific to the worship and life of Seventh Reformed Church, “Worship in Spirit and in Truth” provides an example of ongoing reformation according to God’s Word, emphasizing not only order but ardor. As far as is known, this is the first liturgy book to include the World Reformed Fellowship’s recent Statement of Faith. Also useful for general study is the inclusion of a Glossary to aid understanding of the historical and theological terms used throughout. “Worship in Spirit and Truth” is, then, a useful resource for personal study as well as an example of worship in the Reformed tradition.
Email the church office for ordering information (7thref@7thref.org)
Gathered at the Cross
Celebrating God’s Grace to Seventh Reformed Church 1890–2015
Authored by Tim J.R. Trumper
Contributions by Thomas VandenHeuvel, John R. de Witt, Matthew A. Helmus, Gerald Vander Velde, Brett Barkley, Karl Dortzbach
Since 1890, Seventh Reformed Church has been a fixture on the Northwest side of Grand Rapids. In celebrating her 125 years, ministers, members, and missionaries have combined to tell of God’s grace to the church family, and how, in light of it, she has been blessed in ways beyond anything her founders could have envisioned.
Readers can gain glimpses of the West Side of old, unprecedented access to the life of Seventh Reformed Church, and read of:
*The good news of Jesus Christ.
*The content of the Reformed faith.
*The work of church revitalization.
*The spread of the gospel internationally.
Main Contributors: Brett Barkley, John R. de Witt, Karl Dortzbach, Matthew Helmus, Tim J.R. Trumper (General Editor), Thomas VandenHeuvel, and Gerald Vander Velde.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Email the church office for ordering information (7thref@7thref.org)
The Way
A Newspaper Published on the Westside, for the Westside!
Seventh Reformed Church published the first edition of The Way in July, 2016—a bi-monthly publication from the Westside, for the Westside—which went to homes along five postal routes around the church (3070 homes in total). Dr. Tim J.R. Trumper, founder of The Way, continues to publish The Way through his ministry From His Fullness for churches and organizations to use for their evangelical outreach into their surrounding communities.