Sermons by Mr. Ben Bessett (Page 2)

Sermons by Mr. Ben Bessett (Page 2)

The Religion of Self

The religion of “self” cares for no one or anything else but “self,” and will even sin in order to get what “self” wants. But what does the Bible have to say about this false religion and those who practice it? Listen as Mr. Ben Bessett preaches on Proverbs 23:1–5 on the religion of self. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s…

Why Am I So Ungrateful?

In Luke 7:36–50, an ungrateful, legalistic Pharisee despises the love and gratitude a sinful woman shows to her Savior, Jesus Christ. How would you respond to this sinful woman’s gratitude to Christ if you were there? Why? Listen as Mr. Ben Bessett preaches on Luke 7:36–50 on why someone can be so ungrateful. “Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are…

The Need to Be Anointed

In 1 John 2:18–20, the apostle John describes a key difference between believers and nonbelievers, they are anointed by the Holy Spirit! Mr. Ben Bessett describes the change that takes place when the Spirit of God anoints believers, the effect of this anointing, and the benefit of this anointing. “But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge.”

Human Nature Simply Put

How should human nature be understood? James 1:13–16 gives us an answer. Listen as Mr. Ben Bessett preaches on human nature simply put: recognize, realize, restore. “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.”

Keeping the Horse in Front of the Cart

Martha was anxious about many things, but Mary sat at the feet of Jesus to learn from him. Mary kept the horse in front of the cart, so to speak. Listen as Mr. Ben Bessett preaches on Luke 10:38–42 on keeping the horse in front of the cart as it pertains to our mind, heart, and actions. “But the Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about…

The Human Race—Who Are We?

Who are we? The world has many wrong answers to this question. Rather, we should ask: who does God say that we are? Listen as Mr. Ben Bessett preaches on Genesis 1:26 on man’s meaning, purpose, and destiny as human beings created in God’s image. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

Christ—The Example of Self-Denial

Christians have the mind of Christ and are to take up their cross and follow Christ and deny themselves, as Christ took up his cross and denied himself. Listen as Mr. Ben Bessett preaches on Philippians 2:1–11 on self-denial in the mind, through the cross, for God’s own glory. “And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his…

Fig Leaves or Faith

Adam and Eve tried to cover their shame before God by hiding behind fig leaves. But God provided garments of skin to cover their shame through the death of an animal. This pictured the real removal of shame by the only righteous One, the Lord Jesus Christ, and his death on the cross to atone for the sin of his people. His people would receive their righteous robes by…

Reformation from the Heart

When the Book of the Law was found and expounded in the reign of king Josiah, reformation followed. Listen as Mr. Ben Bessett preaches on reformation from the heart from 2 Kings 22-23 on the renovation and discovery (22:1-11), the response (22:12-20), and the result (2 Kings 23). “And he read in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant that had been…

Desire: The Double-Edged Sword

James 3:13-18 contrasts the wisdom from above with the desires of a sinful heart. Listen as Mr. Ben Bessett describes evil desire, pure desire, and mixed desire. “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”