Sermons on Hope
The Believer’s Hope
In Job 19:25-27, Job expresses his confidence and faith in the living Savior that will redeem him. Mr. Israel Quaresma preaches a personal hope, a living hope, and an embodied hope.
“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth…. whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold.”
Living in Hope, Patience, and Prayer
In Romans 12:12, the apostle Paul explains that Christian hope brings us joy, patience helps us get through tribulation, and prayer helps us through the difficult days of the Christian life. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches rejoice in hope (as Jesus did), be patient in tribulation (as Jesus did), and be constant in prayer (as Jesus did).
“Rejoice in hope, be patient…
Judges: When Everyone Does What Is Right in His Own Eyes
With Judges 21:25 as our text, we continue our Bible book series. The book of Judges reveals the adulterous hearts of the Israelites again and again, and it simultaneously reveals the patience of God as He sends judges to save His people each time they repent. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches…
Learning the Secret of Being Content
In Philippians 4:10–28, the apostle Paul reveals the secret to being content. It is a learned behavior that comes through trial and error. We do not attain this on our own, rather Christ is the one who strengthens us in all things that are holy and according to His will. In this message, Pastor Ben Bessett asks why do we struggle with being content in life, and what is…
A Three-Fold Assurance of Salvation
In Romans 5:9–11, the apostle gives hope to believers who are anxious about the wrath of God. He teaches them to remember that God has already given us justification, salvation, and reconciliation. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches we were guilty, but now we are justified; Jesus died for our sins, but He lives to save us; and we were enemies, but now we are…
The Lavish Outpouring of God’s Love
In Romans 5:1–5, we come to the third and most confident dimension of our hope: God’s love. Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the experience of God’s initial love, the experience of God’s abiding love, and the experience of God’s eternal love.
“And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been…
Growing through Suffering
In Romans 5:3–4, the apostle shows that believers even rejoice in the sufferings of this life. We rejoice in suffering because they make us more like Christ! Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches the fruit of suffering, the fruit of endurance, and the fruit of character.
“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and…
The Beatitudes (3): The Meek Truly Blessed
Being meek is not something the world values highly. However, true meekness, being humbled before God by his Spirit and finding salvation in Christ, and trusting him in all things, is blessed by God. Listen as Mr. Brandt Barnard preaches from Matthew 5:5 on the blessed state of the meek, the blessed Savior of the meek, and the blessed inheritance of the meek.
The Book of Ezekiel (14): The Morning Light Dawning
In Ezekiel 11:1-25, false prophets proclaimed a misleading kind of hope, but God promises true hope that cleanses the heart and heals the whole man. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven describes the false “good” news that leads to destruction and the true good news that leads to life.
“I will give them…
The Heidelberg Catechism (12): The Providence of Inseparable Love [Lord’s Day 10]
In Romans 8:31-39, the providence of God guarantees the accompaniment and protection of our loving Father and a sure arrival at the world of love, which is heaven itself. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven presents the grand picture of God’s providence, the hard reality of providential suffering, the hope…