The Heidelberg Catechism Season 1 (Page 3)

The Heidelberg Catechism Season 1 (Page 3)

The Heidelberg Catechism (23): The Family of God Throughout the Ages [Lord’s Day 21]

Hebrews 11:1-12:2 describes the cloud of witnesses that lead the way for believers with the church today cheering us on as we keep our eyes fixed upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor van Engelenhoven contrasts the Holy Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church and then highlights the impossible…

The Heidelberg Catechism (22): Life Through the Holy Spirit [Lord’s Day 20]

The Holy Spirit is the believer’s life, their closest companion, directly involved in the everyday life of the believer. Listen as Pastor Paul van Engelenhoven preaches from 1 John on four areas in which the Holy Spirit is experientially present in the life of all true believers: the inward…

The Heidelberg Catechism (18): Why Did Christ Have to Die? [Lord’s Day 16]

In Leviticus 9:22-10:7, we begin to discover the holiness of God and to understand the meaning of sin. Rev. Paul van Engelenhoven describes the holiness of God, the horror of sin, the necessity of death, and the necessity of new birth. “This is what the Lord has said: ‘Among those who are near me I…

The Heidelberg Catechism (17): The Great Investment [Lord’s Day 15]

The Lord Jesus received the wrath of God on the cross for the sins of his people in order to bless them with eternal life. On the cross, Jesus took their sins, and they received his righteousness. Jesus became poor, so that they would be made rich. Jesus was condemned and forsaken so that they may…